Even after the kit arrived, however, I was still intimidated. I let the kit sit by my desk for several weeks (though admittedly, I was also on a deadline for finishing my latest comic, so I did have to keep my priorities straight for that time). But once the comic was done, my dear friend Mari and I decided to have a drawing date. Seeing as I was finished my latest comic and still conceptualizing my next one, I decided to use my time to start making my flowers.
In the approximately 5 hours we spent together, I don't think I finished a single one. BUT... I had so much fun! What I ended up doing was starting to put together the pieces for each flower. So I chose what colors of flowers to put with which color leaf and found a button that looked nice with each flower. I also dug through my own personal collection of random buttons that I've had for years and years and pulled out several of my own buttons to incorporate into the flowers. I'm giddy just thinking about how much fun that process was.
I will admit I got a little OCD about it. I actually made a chart that showed every possible two-tone and three-tone color combination amongst those 5 (well 6, including the yellow) colors. I think I came up with 34 options. As I'm only making 17 flowers, I could only choose about half of those options, but I wanted to try to avoid repeating color combinations. I feel very strongly about diversity! ;-) Next I put each individual flower combination into a snack-sized plastic baggie. And THEN I started to make the individual flowers.
I hadn't considered the colors of the embroidering thread when I was initially putting the flowers together, so that was another decision I had to make. But I tried not to feel too overwhelmed by that one and just went with my gut as to what looked best.
I only have 6 more flowers to make for my bouquet. But as I've been having so much fun with this, I've already gone onto EBay to buy some more random supplies so I can put together my own kits to make the bridesmaids' bouquets and groomsmen's boutonnieres. Seeing as I've decided to go all the way with this, you *must* believe me when I tell you how much fun I'm having!