Help Nick & Melaina Have their August 2011 Dream Wedding

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Will Travel?

As it turns out, Nick is pretty settled on Buffalo. In addition to all of his family being out there, in making our guest list, he realized more of his friends lived out there than out here. So that seems to make the most sense. So now I am starting to poll my friends to find out who would be willing to fly there. I figure I can ask that first and decide on bridesmaids after, right?

We still haven't made any more headway than that. So we have a rough head count of 150 guests and have decided the wedding will be somewhere in or near Buffalo, New York.

I've also been polling friends who've had weddings recently to find out about their costs. The range seems to be anywhere from $5K to $20K. If I have to save up $20,000, it may be another 10 years before we can get married!


  1. I am really excited about your wedding! I feel the same way about the costs, very daunting! Since BB and I just bought a home (all 700 sq. feet of a home, lol), a wedding has to be moved way down the line!

  2. Jenny - Well, we're in the opposite situation. Though honestly, even if we weren't planning a wedding, we *still* couldn't afford to buy a home. So I'll just have to live that one vicariously through you! ;-)
